Thursday, March 31, 2011

40 pengawal penjara Yahudi terbakar hidup-hidup

December 04, 2010, Israel has made little progress in a battle against a flaming inferno that has left at least 41 people dead.

Planes and helicopters from many nations are battling a raging wildfire that has burned at least 4,000 hectares of forest in the Carmel Mountains in northern Israel. More than 17,000 people have been evacuated and many homes destroyed in the worst fire in Israel's history. And there is no end in sight; the fire is raging out of control. 

This charred bus was carrying 40 prison guards when it was trapped in the huge forest fire. The entire bus was engulfed in flames and this is what remains of it. The bus, evacuating the guards from a jail, drove headlong into the fire.

In a small country with few wooded areas, the toll in human and natural resources is seen as a national disaster.

"This is a great tragedy," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "We've lost over 40 people who were horribly burned to death, we have people struggling for their lives in hospitals, we have missing persons. The great nature reserve of the Carmel, one of the great nature reserves in the world, is being consumed by fire."

Israel was quickly overwhelmed by the fire which erupted on Thursday.  At least 19 countries have answered Israel's appeal for help, from the Middle East to Europe to the United States. They have provided planes, firefighters and equipment. 

Local fire services mobilized emergency crews from across the country. Fire trucks desperately tried to reach the scene, weaving through heavy rush hour traffic as night fell

"The one bright spot in this is the solidarity of the people of Israel, and no less than that the solidarity of the peoples of the world with the people of Israel," said the prime minister.

Police say the cause of the blaze was negligence and not arson or terrorism. So the question many Israelis are asking now is why an arid country that is prone to wildfires was caught totally unprepared to deal with the disaster.

The Israeli government says it will announce plans next week to buy sophisticated fire-extinguishing aircraft, but critics say it is too little, too late.

Mereka Bunuh Rakyat Palestin Di Dalam Penjara Dan Di Luar Penjara, Allah SWT Bakar Mereka Di Atas Jalan Raya. Hampir kesemua yang terbunuh  adalah Pengawal Penjara Rejim Israel Laknatullah!!!

MEGADIM, Israel: Berpuluh pengawal Penjara Israel yang cuba menyelamatkan tahanan yang diancam kebakaran hutan paling buruk dalam sejarah negara itu mati selepas bas yang mereka naiki terperangkap dalam kebakaran itu.

Antara pengawal penjara Yahudi yang terbakar

Ketika pengawal penjara terbabit bergegas ke penjara yang kebanyakkan banduan adalah rakyat Palestin, sebatang pokok tumbang merintangi jalan dan menghalang laluan mereka.

Tanpa jalan keluar, sebilang besar daripada mereka terbakar hidup-hidup dalam bas itu manakala sebilangan lagi rentung ketika cuba melarikan diri dari kawasan kebakaran itu yang disemarakkan lagi oleh belukar kering. Apabila api padam, sekurang-kurangnya 40 didapati maut.

“Bencana ini amat besar,” kata Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel diselubungi asap tebal akibat kebakaran terburuk yang berlaku tahun 2010

Kebakaran itu memaksa 12,000 penduduk meninggalkan kediaman masing-masing dan memusnahkan sebuah perkampungan serta mengancam kemusnahan kekal beberapa kawasan hutan di Israel. Api masih marak di luar kawalan sehingga tengah malam tadi. Turki mengenepikan ketengangan baru-baru ini dengan menawarkan bantuan dan Pejabat Netanyahu menyatakan Greece, Sepanyol dan Cyprus bersetuju menghantar helikopter melawan kebakaran.

Bantuan tambahan juga akan dihantar Britain, Russia, Mesir, Azerbaijan, Romania, Jordan dan Bulgaria.

Penyiasat mengandaikan kebakaran itu mungkin bermula secara tidak sengaja atau disengajakan. Namun mereka menolak kemungkinan ia serangan kumpulan Palestin. – AP

Jika Allah menghendaki, bukan setakat 40 pegawal penjara ini sahaja yang dibakar, bahkan seluruh warga Yahudi akan menjadi debu dibakar tentera Allah bernama api. Sebagai Muslim seharusnya kita bermuhasabah dengan bencana yang menimpa Yahudi Laknatullah agar iman dan keyakinan kita kepada Allah semakin teguh. Lihat artikel terdahulu bagaimana Allah menghantar tentera-NYA ke Eropah. [ link ]

1 comment:

Jamal Ali said...

Janji Allah adalah benar...


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